Showing posts with label 1783. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1783. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Missus Joe B.

By Willson Peale - 1783

Former Mary McIlvaine 1752-1818

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gen. Washington Letter to Gen. Huntington

Rocky Hill October 16, 1783

My dear Sir,

                                     Your letter of the 3rd Inst,
which I received a few days since, infor
med me of your intention to retire from
the army.-

                                     Permit me, My dear Sir,
to take this opportunity of expressing
to you my obligations for the support and
assistance I have in the course of the war,
received from your abilities and attachment
To me-

                                      As during our Service toge
ther, you have always possessed my
esteem and affection, so you will now carry
with you every possible wish I can
form for your future happiness.-
I beg you to present my compliments to
Mrs. Huntington & to believe me with great
                  Dear Sir, your most obedient
                        and affectionate servant

                                 GEORGE WASHINGTON

Gen J. Huntington

                           Gen. Washington Letter to Gen. Huntington - 1783